Because Regan and Dad's birthday's are 2 days apart (for his 50th b-day, I got Dad a Regan), and because Dad stays in the dark and clueless 95% of the time, it was so easy to throw him a surprise 60th Birthday Party! My mom and his sister Margie hosted it and Dad didn't have a clue...why? Because he thought he was going to Regan's birthday party! Regan and Draik played the story of Regan's B-day party for 2 weeks...because Regan's whole class was invited, it was going to be held at a local club house (that should have been his first clue-duh). Then, when he pulls into the club house at party time, he didn't notice all the license plates from Polk County (where his sister and her family lives)...he walked into the club house and no one was in there but me (hello dad!!!). Oh, and all the black table cloths and decorations. He says "Where is everyone...where are the kids?" and I very quickly said "Oh, they are over there through that door in the kitchen...by the way, can you go in there and bust up some ice for me??" And he starts griping (while walking to the kitchen) "I'm not going to bust up ice blah blah blah blah" and he opens the door and everyone yells "Happy Birthday!!!!" The look on his face was priceless...Hey got the picture of his reaction (since I was standing behind him, all I got was his rump, hehe). He was very, very, very touched and emotional (well, emotional for Dad) that everyone through him a party. And he was very, very, very upset with his 2 bestest friends (Draik and Regan) for keeping it from him! Good turnout, good food (Adam made homemade spaghetti) and a great cake! And...he even got great gifts (and his very first cell phone)!

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