Adam's parents, Dr. Jolanta and Dr. Wojciech Owczarz, arrived on March 27th and spent 3 lovely weeks with us. They were so proud that Adam got our basement apartment "functional" for their stay. They got to spend a lot of quality time with Adam (their only "baby") and they got to meet Riles! Of course they could not believe how big Draik and Regan have become this past year. Jola went with us to Draik's play and several other functions. Adam took them to mass Easter Sunday. They took Adam and I out to eat for our anniversary. The joke was, we told them to come in the Spring instead of Winter because it was wonderful weather...and they don't have much wonderful weather in Denmark. So, they get here and it breaks 70 degrees maybe 3 days out of 21 AND we had snow AND we had severe weather several times (which they had never experienced)! We accused them of bringing the horrible weather from Denmark. All said, we had a great visit and hopefully they will be back for Christmas.
Regan and Wojciech enjoy the afternoon on the front porch.
Draik also posed with Wojciech before he went back to Copenhagen.

And the picture of Wojciech holding Riley (due to his blindness, Adam's dad never held him as a Adam was pretty peeved that he held Riley!) 
My mom, Dr. Wojciech holding Riley and Jola.