My babies are growing up!

My babies are growing up!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Riley is 10 Months Old!!!

It is so hard to believe that the Rilester is 10 months old! He is talking and jabbering and walking all over the place. He is such a smart, sweet baby...always happy. The only problem we have with him so far is his ability to stay, not only awake, but active for such long periods of time! His PHE levels are still low and at his last check a few weeks ago, we were again assured that he had the extremely rare mild case of PKU. The picture above is sitting on Dad's stomach, pulling his sweatshirt string and below is him bouncing on Adam:)

The Tree House

Regan has asked me to post some photos of the new tree house. We had a dilemma as to how to make the tree house since we have no trees with low limbs in the yard. My dad came up with the frame and did a wonderful job. Regan loves his new tree house. Above is Regan on the right and his friend Cameron, who lives a couple of houses down. Below is the tree house from our deck.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Draik did have a wonderful 13th, even though the plans changed. We were supposed to do the ghost-hunt, but unfortunately, it rained. And rained. And raiiiiiiiiiined. It was so flooded all 25 of the 7th and 8th grades spent the first 5 hours of the party in the basement watching Ghost Hunter episodes, eating pizza, snacks, and cake. It did stop raining long enough for everyone to go outside and dance to "Party in the U.S.A." (yes, there's a dance to it). They also split up and some went on the deck, some went right outside the basement underneath the deck and a few went up into the treehouse across from the deck and they had Nerf/Acorn wars. After 11 p.m., the boys left, leaving the 17 girls spending the night....they split up and the 9 that weren't scared after watching ghost hunters slept down in the basement...the other 8 slept in the living room. Even though the rain dampened the plans (and we are rescheduling the ghost hunt towards the end of October...maybe it'll be for MY birthday party), I believe all the kids had a kicking good time. Adam was very impressed that this year, nothing was broken, no neighbors showed up to complain (BIG SURPRISE!) and all the kids were, with the exception of being LOUD, very well behaved. Unfortunately, with that many kids, I didn't keep the camera out for long...and Draik's camera was busted (guess what Santa's bringing her for Christmas?), but we did get a few pictures.
Happy Birthday to Draik!!! There were so many people there, the guests were in the kitchen, dining room, living room and hall singing to her!

Riley even got to join in the fun and have some cake...he preferred to wipe it all over the place, though.