Ahhh...the 7th grade field trip to the 4-H science center at Jekyll. I'm sure she did a lot more than just stay at the beach the whole time, but these were a few of the pics from her camera...beach shots and turtles. You know, looking through these pictures one would think Draik had been on an episode of "Survivor"...
Contestant #1...Draik Grant from Calhoun, GA

The extremely dangerous and vile swamp-lands of Jekyll Island

The even more dangerous and full of evil jungles of Jekyll Island

Draik and her BFF Jeanna (Maizie didn't get to go because she had the flu at the last minute).

Draik and her friend Britney.

Draik and her friend Taylor.

A really big turtle (and btw...Draik has over 50 pictures of turtles...just turtles)

Sand Art

Kissing the worlds "smallest fish"

Star Fish

Draik has goals to become a "Shrimp Boat Captain"

The Beach